Monday, March 31, 2008

Work Party at Lance's House - March 22nd

The Work party was at Lances. It had to be moved several times due to conflict of schedules but finally got done! Yeah! Lance needed the bucket put in his new, shiny, green John Deere tractor, which unfortunately took most of the day. Ashley filled in for her mom and made lunch consisting of soup and panini sandwiches. No one took pictures so I used my photoshop and tried to reinact the event for all of us that were not there. I don't really think Lance gave Grandpa, Mark and Kyle a ride in the bucket when he was done, but I didn't have full body shots of anyone so this is an interpretive picture. Again, thanks to all the wives for letting their husbands participate in this family tradition!


CHarris said...

Lorri, you're hilarious! I just love your sense of humor!

kthom said...

What a big strong tractor scoop!