Saturday, April 19, 2008

Salt Lake City 5K

My friend Aimee asked me a couple of months ago if I wanted to run a 5K with her, and I agreed. Mid-life crisis, I guess?? So, this morning we did it! My time would be embarrassing to Coty, but I was happy with it. I actually beat my best time (on a treadmill) by about 4 minutes! I know the picture looks like I ran it in the middle of the night, but it was actually taken in the underground parking garage afterwards (just to document the event)! We had so much fun that we're thinking about maybe doing a 10K. Anyone want to join me?


Tfamily said...

I am impressed. I always joke that I don't think I could run a mile even if there was a lava flow behind me. Now if we could only get one of the family members to take up bicycling we could do a triathalon - you running, me swimming haha and ? doing the bike. Any takers?

CHarris said...

Mark...Mark can bike! I'll sign him up! How fun would that be?? Except I think that Coty should run...he's twice as fast as me!