Sunday, April 12, 2009


Saturday morning we fought the crowds and attended the city Easter egg hunt. I'm not quite sure why we go to those. I guess it's to teach our children about real-life: fight like a dog for what you want, don't let anyone step on you, and cry when you don't get what you want. The actual hunt lasted about 2 minutes, and Sophie cried for the first minute and a half because she didn't want to do it alone. She ended up with a few stepped-on eggs full of cheap candy and bubble gum. So, all in all, a total success! We ran into Sophie's little friend, Elyssa and they got their picture taken with the Easter bunny. "Not the real one, just a boy dressed like him--he had tennis shoes on."

We then dyed eggs...

and then made the easiest and cutest Easter bunny cake...

Sunday morning we woke up and found that 'tricky' Easter bunny had hidden candy in our house...everywhere! Sophie cleaned the place out in a matter of minutes. Carson could have cared less about an actual Easter basket, he just ate them as he found them. His mouth was so full he couldn't talk, but still manage to continue to shove them in. Bella did great...she was walking around finding things, eating as she went, but also filling her basket too.

We then got ready for church! I couldn't get the kids all in the same picture with their cute Easter clothes on, so I took individual shots!

All in all, a fun Easter!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Carson's 1st Haircut

In public, people started asking us if we had twin girls. So, we figured it was time for Carson to get a haircut. Here's a before (otherwise known as a mullet, baby mullet no less, which means the parents are to blame!):

Here's after:

And here's the in-between:

He loved every minute of it!